But Not Least

Belinda Hughes Leaves Legacy at Missouri Resources

For nearly eight years, I sat next to Belinda Hughes here in our publications office.
Opening Sentence
We often shared a "look" around the side of our computer monitors, much the same way the characters of The Office TV show would trade faces across the room in acknowledgement of office hijinks.
Belinda Hughes

The timing of her humor kept everything moving around here, especially when things were tense. She knew a lot of corny jokes and would pull them out to instantly lighten the mood. They say humor boosts creative thinking, so it’s no surprise she was an accomplished artist and designer.

Belinda hanging up a banner at the Missouri State Fair.
Belinda hangs a banner at the Missouri State Fair.  MoDNR File Photo.

The aesthetic of Missouri Resources was shaped by Belinda when she picked up the reins as design director for the Fall 2004 issue. Before that, Belinda served as associate designer, and beyond her magazine duties, she routinely prepared brochures, displays, fact sheets, web graphics and various other items needed throughout the department. We have filing cabinets full of old projects she worked on, some of which were as simple as a business card, spanning upwards to massive displays for the Missouri State Fair. She was most gratified when the fruits of her labor resulted in a box of printed materials arriving at her desk. She would immediately open them up and smell the fresh ink with a smile, and eventually we all started doing the same.

Longtime readers of Missouri Resources will notice this issue of the magazine looks a little different. Belinda passed away unexpectedly at the end of April. We now have new staff who have picked up where she left off. As they move forward, I see no better example for them than the work that Belinda left behind. She leaves a legacy of nearly 21 years where she filled an important role by effectively communicating to the public the importance of protecting Missouri’s natural resources.

We owe a large amount of gratitude to Belinda’s family, especially her two children Josh and Adam, for lending her to us. She was a proud mother and we wish her family the very best as they, like us, pursue a new normal in her absence.

Belinda and her two children, Adam and Josh.
Belinda and her two children, Adam and Josh.  Photo courtesy Hughes family.
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Andrew Richmond

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Andrew Richmond is the editor of Missouri Resources and serves as the publications manager for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources' Office of Communications.

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